c. Non-compliance documentation shall contain technically supported design considerations,
technically supported design recommendations for noise reduction, and technically supported
predictions of the resultant noise levels. Noise reduction feasibility documentation shall include
the identification of all noise sources that contribute to the noise level at the locations of interest;
identification of all noise paths between the noise sources and the locations of interest; rank
ordering of the source/path combinations in terms of their contribution to the overall noise level
at the locations of interest; development of noise control measures for each source/path
combination in order of dominance until the required noise levels at the locations of interest are
attained; and technically supported trade-off analyses of noise control benefit against other
design, cost, schedule, and performance requirements, consistent with best engineering practice.
d. The distances and directions from the noise source at which the noise level is equal to 85
dBA when the steady-state noise level at the source has been determined to exceed 85 dBA. A
map, drawn to scale, showing the distances and directions shall be provided if it would aid
understanding of the noise contours. A grid showing the measurements may also be provided.
3.3. Impulsive noise of personnel-occupied areas. In addition to the applicable general data in
3.1 above, the NMR shall contain the following with respect to impulsive noise.
a. The distances and directions from the noise source at which the noise level is equal to 140 dB
when the impulsive noise level at the source has been determined to exceed 140 dBP. A map,
drawn to scale, showing the distances and directions shall be provided if it would aid
understanding of the noise contours. A grid showing the measurements may also be provided.
b. Weapon positions and locations including elevations and azimuths, ammunition charges, and
ammunition temperature.
c. Identification of the metric used to evaluate the noise limits of the system under test (auditory
risk units or LIAeq100ms).
d. For the auditory risk unit metric:
(1) The hazard rating for occasional exposures of the system within any 24-hour sliding
window as calculated by the Auditory Hazard Assessment Algorithm for Humans (AHAAH)
(2) The hazard rating for occupational exposures of the system within any 24-hour sliding
window as calculated by the AHAAH model.
(3) The allowable number of impulses per day.
e. For the LIAeq100ms metric:
(1) The hazard as established through use of the LIAeq100ms metric, including any adjustments
for the duration of the recording.
(2) The inclusion of a dose correction when the A-duration has been measured.
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