Mission profile acq. A time phased description of operational events and environments an item experieces from beginning to end of a specific mission identified are tasks, events, durations, operating conditions and environment.
Mode gen. Present condition (status) of the product, e.g., off, standby, on.
Modified Rhyme Test (MRT) snv. See "Speech intelligibility."
Mouse uci. A finger- or hand-held computer input device that generates the coordinates of a position indicator (e.g., converted to analogous movements of a cursor across a screen) and is operated by being moved on a flat surface.
Night vision goggles gen. Goggles which amplify visible and near infrared energy, allowing a person to see in the dark.
Night vision goggle compatibility (NVGC) gen/acq The phrase NVG compatible lighting has taken on at least three distinctly different meanings. The original meaning was the designing of displays or lighting such that the display of lighting was easily visible or usable by the unaided eye but did not interfere with the operation of the night vision goggles. This definition is closest to the "Friendly" lighting mode noted below. The following terms and definitions are subsets of the phrase "NVG compatible."
NVG Secure. visible light emitted from displays is reduced to the minimum needed to do the mission, and the near IR (infrared) content is reduced to less than a fraction of
the visible light as specified by the acquiring activity.
NVG Friendly. Exterior lighting that is fully usable by people without NVGs (i.e. typically meets FAA requirements for visibility) but has drastically reduced IR content so that it
can be used while flying formation with aircraft in which NVGs are being used (for example, going to and from training site through civilian airspace.)
NVG Covert - IR lights. Lighting that is filtered so they are not visible to the naked eye beyond a few tens of feet, intended to provide illumination so that NVGs will work in areas without adequate natural light.
Noise criterion (NC) curves snv. Widely accepted sets of octave-band pressure levels used as the basis for indoor noise criteria. These criteria specify the maximum level permitted in each octave band for various types of communication requirements.
Noise-cancelling (microphone) snv. A feature that reduces the masking effect of ambient noise upon speech impressed on a microphone, usually by providing equal access of the ambient noise to both surfaces of a diaphragm to achieve approximate equilibrium, effectively causing the noise to cancel
itself out. Since the talker's own voice output impinges on one side of the microphone diaphragm, the talker's signals are not subject to this cancellation, and so are transmitted more favorably than if both ambient noise and speech fell simultaneously upon one face of the diaphragm.
Nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) survivability gen. The instantaneous, cumulative, and residual effects of NBC weapons upon a system including its personnel. NBC survivability describes the capability of a system to withstand the NBC environment, including decontamination, without losing the ability to accomplish its mission. For any system to be considered survivable in an NBC contaminated battlefield, it must have at least three essential characteristics: hardness, decontaminability, and compatibility:
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