Source document uci. The user's application document, which is a source of data eventually processed by the computer program. Examples include time cards, target lists, vouchers, supply codes, parts lists, and bills of lading.
Special tools acq. Tools not listed in the Federal Supply Catalog.
Spectroradiometer gen. A radiometer equipped with a device for separating (dispersing) the incoming light into its component wavelengths, used to measure the spectral power distribution.
Speech intelligibility snv. A measure of the percentage of words, phrases or sentences correctly understood over a given speech communication system in a given noise situation. It may be measured by either the Phonetically Balanced (PB) Monosyllabic Word Intelligibility Test or the Modified Rhyme Test (MRT). The former consists of a list of 1,000 words in which each word is spoken and
written down by a listener. The latter consists of a list of 300 words in which a word is spoken and the listener responds on a prepared multiple format selecting one of six words as the item heard. Speech intelligibility may also be predicted by the Articulation Index (AI) in which calculation is performed on the peak-speech-to-root-mean-square noise ratio obtained in selected frequency bands from 200 to
7,000 Hertz, i.e., peak amplitude of speech in relation to the root-mean-square amplitude of the background noise.
Speech signal processing snv. The modification of the electrical signal representing speech to enhance the capability of a speech communications channel. Some examples are simple analog processing, automatic gain control (AGC), frequency shaping, peak clipping, and syllabic compression.
Speech spectrum snv. A segment of the range of audible frequencies containing the sounds of speech, defined as approximately the range from 80 to 8000 Hz.
Speech-to-noise ratio (peak speech-to-rms noise) snv. The ratio between the arithmetic mean of peak amplitudes of speech and the root mean square (rms) amplitude of background noise.
Standard tools acq. Tools (normally hand tools) used for the assembly, disassembly, inspection, servicing, repair and maintenance of equipment, and which are manufactured by two or more recognized tool manufacturing companies and listed in those companies' catalogs.
State-of-the-art acq. The highest level of scientific and technical knowledge existing at the time of contract award.
Status information gen/dsi. Current condition information about the system and its surroundings.
Steady-state noise snv. A periodic or random variation in atmospheric pressure at audible frequencies. It may be continuous, intermittent or fluctuating, with the sound pressure level varying over a wide range, provided such variations have a duration exceeding 1 second.
String uci. In the user's context, a word, phrase, or number (string of characters) in the test or file. Normally employed in the context of causing the computer to search for, find, or replace a desired "string."
Stroke-written cathode ray tube display gen. A cathode ray tube in which the character generator generates a succession of short strokes in sequence that are combined to form a character or symbol.
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